Hello everyone, in today’s article I want to talk about the very first’s videos that I uploaded to my English Channel. Today I saw some of them and I’ve got a bit nostalgic. It has been only 9 months ago, but those days were really important for me. Now I’ll explain to you why.
Back in those days, I didn’t want to use my voice because I didn’t like how it sounded in English. I still don’t like it, but I’ve improved a little. Because of this reason I used an AI voice to read the video and I really like it, now I remember those videos with a lot of affection.
Back then I was at my ex’s student apartment and when I had to wait for her to finish her class or whatever, I occupied myself with the creation of those videos.
Then I received a comment telling me that I should use my real voice and this simple comment got stocked on my mind for a while till I decided to create the series ‘Minecraft fast let's play’ Maybe some day I’ll go back to that series.
I encourage you to go and watch those videos. I leave you here or at the end of the video the one that I like the most. Where I talk about Oreos and why these cookies are important for me.
That's everything for today's article, I hope you enjoyed it and see you in the next one. Have a nice one!
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