

Hello y'all, 

I've been thinking about to create a new article for a few days, but nothing came up to my mind. So today I've searched on Google 'ideas for an essay' and I found the idea that I'm going to talk about today, my first job.

It's difficult for me to explain you what was my first job, because I only know the colloquial name of it and it is 'montador', in Catalan, in English should be 'fitter', person who installs something. What I did put together was mobile nightclubs. It was a hard job and what they paid me was not enough. I spend all my August outside my home because I had to be awake to control the lights and be ready early in the morning to dismantle the nightclub. Even thought I like it, it was not enough to pay the time I wasted working there. 

My boss was good until he had to remunerate me, I waited almost a year to see if he was going to pay me or not and with days and days of insisting, he finally did what he had to do. 

As you see, it was not the perfect job, but at least now I know how to talk with bosses and I learned a bit of discipline. I hope you liked this article, I had fun writing it and I have more to tell you, see you in the next one and have a great day. 


Beeing surrounded by drunked people was not something I liked either.

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