Hello everyone, and welcome to the first article of this new section of the blog. Here I am going to talk about things that happen in my life, but, why? Well, first of all, I do it because I have fun telling stories, and second of all, I want to improve my English. This is one goal for this new year, 2024.
My father is constantly telling me that I have to do something to improve my English skills, and I have tried a few times, but I do not take it seriously. This section is going to be another try. I promise myself that I am going to write at least five articles this month. Do you think I will make it? Do your bets.
I do also want to try to consume more English content, like podcasts, YouTubers and films... If you want to recommend me some, feel free to do it in the comments section.
To summarize, my goal for this year is to be fluent in Enlgish. That would be all for today. I hope you all liked this little article, and I will see you soon in another one. Goodbye!!
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